Visual Design

Media Monks

Media Monks
Study Case


Visual Designer
Pablo Stefanini, Paula Alonso, Natália Serra, Kristen Rich, Damian Pissano

About the project

As a visual designer at Media.monks, I undertook a comprehensive project to enhance internal branding, sales enablement, and data visualisation. The primary goal was to create an educational platform that equips the sales teams across borders with all necessary information to effectively prepare for client meetings. This project involved developing a brand guideline, designing content, and implementing a rebranding strategy.

The process

Media.monks recognised the need to streamline internal branding and sales processes to empower their sales teams with updated and cohesive information. The challenge was to centralize relevant data, present it in an engaging manner, and align the branding to reflect the company's innovative and creative culture across the world.

  • Brand guide development
  • Content design for sales enablement
  • Rebranding implementation
  • Data visualisation

The result

The completion of the project resulted in a fully integrated educational platform that empowered the sales teams with vital information.

The solution offered the following benefits:

The internal branding, sales enablement, and data visualisation project at Media.monks significantly transformed the way the sales teams approached client meetings. The educational platform not only equipped them with comprehensive knowledge but also strengthened the brand's image and improved sales effectiveness. The project's success reaffirmed Media.monks' commitment to innovation and creativity in both their external interactions with clients and internal processes.

The content would be uploaded to a CMS, one of which the UI design was made by me and hosted by a third party. Based on the branding guide I designed quarterly infographics that would then be uploaded onto that CMS. Below you can see the final design for the Business Culture infographic, this depicts the different ways of business etiquette in the various regions where MediaMonks works in.

My role was to be there for the Monks as they were out winning clients.
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If you're looking for me: I'm either designing or traveling ✈️.