UX/UI Design

Hollands Energie Maatschappij

Hollands Energie Maatschappij
Study Case


Digital Product Designer
Merijn Lioen, Michel Jonk, Sander Frans, Sander Fredriks

I worked as a digital product designer on a project to improve the usability of the B2B CRM platform for "HEM" or Hollands Energie Maatschappij, a Dutch renewable energy supplier. The challenge was to enhance client sales and communication, enabling personalized interactions while maintaining the company's core values of simplicity, transparency, and trust.

What are we up against?

The project posed significant challenges due to the complexity of the energy industry and a tight three-month deadline. Our team was small, and we had limited knowledge of the industry.

Understanding the problem

HEM observed that their employees lacked the tools to personalize client communication, resulting in missed sales opportunities. The goal was to reduce this percentage of missed sales through a more efficient CRM platform.

To gain insights, I conducted a competitive analysis of three other energy suppliers. This research revealed key opportunities to set HEM apart from competitors:

  • Simplify language and workflows to present client information clearly and concisely.
  • Strengthen security with two-factor authentication and tailored user roles.
  • Facilitate clean and straightforward client communication within the platform.


We believed that enhancing the CRM platform's usability would lead to increased sales, improved client trust, and a better digital experience both internally and externally.

Energized opportunities

Within the short timeframe, we developed an MVP with the following solutions:

  • Efficiently view and manage client information for multiple clients.
  • Easy meter readings updates.
  • Access to consumption costs information.
  • Share annual statements, invoices, and documents seamlessly.
  • Enhanced security with two-factor authentication.
  • Detailed search functionality for easy data retrieval.
  • Design system for future features.


Due to sensitive client information, I will not disclose the previous designs.

Overview most recent dashboard iteration
  1. Filters are an explicit affordance. Due to the backend software, the input fields had to be separated.
  2. Overall clean UI with little items and better legibility
  3. Usage of consistent iconography - the icons were a preferred reference in the previous design, so it made a revival in the current iteration

Iteration - client page
Overview of previous client page
Overview of most recent client page iteration
Growing pains

During the project, we encountered challenges due to the fast-paced nature and complexity. A significant mistake was starting the design process without consulting the developers on backend software, impacting functionality and the UI. Consequently, the scope was affected, limiting the platform's added value to the end-user.

My takeaways

This project provided invaluable experiences and lessons.

Keep it simple. Not only for the users, but also for your team.

To create simplicity for users, start by simplifying the process internally. Empathy and strategic thinking ensured a quick turnaround despite the tight deadline.

Process is key.

I fostered strong collaboration among the team, setting clear processes and work ethics. Open communication with the team and the client was pivotal for success. A huge thank you to Merijn Lioen, Michel Jonk, Sander Frans and Sander Fredriks. I could not have done it without you guys!


The B2B CRM platform for HEM significantly improved client sales, communication, and overall user experience. By prioritizing simplicity, security, and efficiency, we successfully delivered an MVP that aligned with HEM's values, positively impacting their business and customer relationships. I am grateful for the opportunity to have led this project and worked with such an exceptional team, ensuring a successful outcome for HEM.

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If you're looking for me: I'm either designing or traveling ✈️.